Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Do it yourself

Today I found this wonderful site:  "Make", which is dedicated to DIY people. =D  I am one of those, hehe.  I find it very entertaining to do stuff myself, as it helps me "unplug" from daily horrors.  I particularly like their blog.  It has an RSS feed that you can add to your feed-reading, if you are so inclined (I did! haha!)
The article that piqued my curiosity for the site was the one about BookMooch.  BookMooch is a free book trading and exchange community.  Basically, you sign up, enter the books you have to offer, someone requests them, you send them and get points; then you can request books.  ^_^  I think maybe this is a great idea for those of you about to go back to classes... perhaps.
I haven't signed up and tried the site myself, since I doubt anyone wants to receive or send books from abroad (from this abroad, cuter abroads are OK); but you might want to try it. ^_^

When I was a kid my parents bought me an awesome book at a book-fair.  This book was about "inventing" things, or rather, DIY toys.  It was great,  although I could never make the most fascinating ones because the parts required to make them were very expensive.
This magazine reminds me a little of that "How to make your own electronic toys" book, only this one is for grownup kids.  ^_~

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