Sunday, December 11, 2005

I know what you spammed last summer

I'm putting this here just in case any of you finds it useful (and for personal reference). 
I think those using WiFi might want to take a look at it, since WiFi'ers seem to be a little bit more at risk (not that the rest of us aren't).

When you are using WiFi, encryption is very necessary, otherwise anyone could be using your network, getting into your comp, spying what you are doing, obtaining sensitive data about you and possibly commit some crime against you or in your name.

Gmail encrypts your login, but the rest of the e-mail transactions are not encrypted.  Unless...

Unless you do this.  Don't let the word "Linux" in the page title fool you; this is a very easy trick that anyone can do, even windows users.

Friday, December 09, 2005