Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Zune not compatible with Microsoft's DRM?

Microsoft's Zune Music Player Incompatible with Microsoft's own DRM Ecosystem.  LOL.  Microsoft never ceases to amaze me (at their craptasticness).

In more interesting and beautiful news, I want to share with you this link to gorgeous wildlife pictures.  ^_^

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Size matters

I've found a very interesting article about sharing big-sized files.
There are lots of sites that provide this service, unfortunately the seemingly most popular ones are quite crappy at getting the job done.
For example:
Megaupload is very disappointing, as it won't let you download unless you either pay them (so much for their claim to being "completely free") or you live in a rich country.  YouSendit has moved to a paid service, requiring people to create an account to either upload or download.
Rapidshare can be a pain in the ass, SendFile is becoming a pain in the ass; and I could go on forever.

I know many people don't really care about this, because of psychological quirks that I will not discuss now (I might do so later) and I will be contented with just tagging as the "It looks like I'm sharing but I'm actually just making you covet" syndrome.

For the rest of us, here's a list of big-sized-file upload sites. ^_^

MediaFire:  Allows uploading an unlimited number of files up to 2.5Gig; multiple simultaneous uploads and downloads, supports most download managers (something I personally use a lot and is very useful if you need to resume a large download).  No login or signup required.  Ad-supported.  The Mail feature has its quirks.

GigaSize: You can sign up for a free account and upload files up to 1.5Gig in size for free, they will store it for a minimun of 90 days.  If you choose to not sign up, you can upload up to 300 M large file and they will be stored for 45 days. I don't think it supports resuming of downloads or download managers though.  No ads. 

Other services worth mentioning:

Sharebig: Free uploading and downloading of up to 1.5 Gig.  No sign-up required.
TransferBIGfiles: Reminds me of yousendit.  File size must be less than 1G and it will be stored for 5 days or 20 downloads.

For Windows or MacOS users, there's also pando; an application that lets you send files up to 1 Gig to anyone with an e-mail address.

MediaMax is what streamload used to be.  I have been using their service for years for personal reasons (mostly backups, personal and work-related stuff) and it also allows me to share files with others if I choose to do so.  It's a paid service though.  You can send files to other streamload users and receive files from them almost instantly and without any "cost" to your monthly allotted bandwidth.  Their current price is US$37.95 per year, it gives you up to 1Gig of downloads, and doesn't put a limit to how much you can upload or to file-size.
Sending files between streamload users is unlimited in size.
You can download their upload/download client for free at their site, (even if you don't have an account with them) and you can upload files to any user's account too. (I know, that's a feature that screams "spaaaaam!")

4Shared: Similar to streamload but with limitations, you need to sign up for a free 1Gig account. You can upload files up to 50M in size. Rumored to give free unlimited downloads.

Do you know of any other good XXL-sized file upload/download service?  Please, let me know!  ^-^

I mentioned download managers ut supra and I want to make a special mention to one firefox extension that I really, really enjoy:  It's DownThemAll!  and it's very useful when you are downloading a large number of files (scans, picture galleries, batch of files, etc.)  I used to use it a lot to download scans, otherwise my right-clicking finger would have died in spastic horror. ^_~
It's easy to configure and install (just click on the install link).

Oh, talking about firefox! Firefox 2.0 has been released today. =D  It looks very, very pretty and has some very cool new features.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

In images

I've found this:  111 free photoshop plugins.  =]  For Mac and Windows.  I think some of them work with Paint Shop Pro too, and I am still to try them out with the Gimp.

Friday, October 06, 2006


There's a rumor about Google wanting to buy youtube.  The article offers some interesting "behind the scenes" points about this "rumored" buyout.