Friday, May 06, 2005

The reason behind it all

All blogs seem to have some kind of "mandatory" first post where one introduces oneself as well as the purpose of said blog.
I was intending to make a funny post, but I think this is the most suitable place to explain what my motivations are.
Let's see: I am a female, I'm in my mid twenties, I don't feel comfortable posting pictures of myself or revealing too much information pertaining my private life because I believe in privacy. That aside, I can tell you:
1) I am a GNU/Linux user. My favorite distro is Debian, although I'm trying to get away with LFS. I've tried other distros as well... the list gets long.
2) I have a college degree that has nothing to do with computers. I've never taken a single computer-related course or class in my entire life.
3) I love art, literature, music, opera, ballet, traveling and interior design. I love computers as well.
4) Standing at an impressive 5'7" and weighting slightly over 100lbs, I sit at the comp and type. I consider myself the "regular" type of female, aka "girl next door".
5) I speak more than 3 languages fluently... and I don't mean programming languages.
6) I can drive, cook, fix a tap and pull my computer entirely apart only to put it back together later.
7) I don't live at my parents' basement. I actually own the apartment I live in.
8) It is not my intention to flirt over the internet. Much less to use a blog for it.
9) I love my family very dearly.
10) I love pets.
11) I hate obnoxious and whiney people. Snotty nerds with an inferiority complex and lots of pedant attitude are more than unwelcome to be anywhere closer than a 100 mile radius from me. Get yourselves a life outside of your computers.
12) My hair is auburn-ish. Hence the profile picture.
13) I love Italian food (it's a heritage thing, I suppose) and French desserts (it's a heritage thing too, I guess), although I've never lived in Italy nor in France.
14) I am far from being rich.
15) I work hard to pay for my own expenses (food, clothes, electricity, phone, internet, etc.). I am a savvy shopper and it is my ultimate goal to save enough money in my life to not have to work after I'm 50. Right now it doesn't seem like I'll achieve my goal.
16) I have friends. I mean real friends. Real people. Not just screen names. And I go out with them, hang out with them and have a standard social life. My friends are not computer-geeks.

That said, the purpose of this journal is to keep in touch with friends and acquaintances who are interested in computers/internet and particularly in free open source projects. My personal journal is off limits to you.
I am not typing from the point of view of an "expert" who addresses fellow "experts". I am typing from the point of view of a regular user (aka Joe User) who addresses fellow regular users (aka fellow Joe Users). I could do the former and attract a lot of losers here with whom I might have some sort of perverse fun, but I choose to do the latter and share the blog with more normal and friendly people who DO have a life; like me.

If you don't like what I type, you always have the choice to NOT read it. I won't stop writing because you don't like my blog. There are millions of blogs out there, just go elsewhere and you might find what you are looking for.

Additionally, take a look at the CC license below. See it? Break it and I'll take legal action. I do need the money.

1 comment:

smittenxx said...

can you contradict yourself a little bit more? You're an Aquarius, you want attention. Correction: other people want attention, and you want to tell them to stuff it- Am I not dead on?

cheers. I'm an Aquarius too. I must stop posting stupid replies at 6am. find me. We have something in common- and I don't whine. Ok, sometimes. ah frig. Just read my blog. I took the time. I expect you to as well. lol. How'd I do??! pass me the hammer. You would friggin' love Paris. The actual city, not the skinny dopey girl. :-?