Monday, June 06, 2005 - Portable Bookmarks

Oh, I would like to mention something about ; Think about it as "portable bookmarks" combined with "social bookmarks". Since I don't have a computer* I'm using it a lot lately. If you are interested you can check my bookmarks here (I doubt anyone is, though). I think it is particularly convenient when you want to bookmark a site for further reading but you are not at your computer (for example: work, school, public internet, etc.) and also in order to share interesting articles or sites with friends or colleagues.

Well, gotta stop babbling and do something to justify the monthly pay... that is, I gotta work. =p

* my computer was stolen. Burglars broke into my father's office at night and took it among other things. I had taken my computer there a few days before because I was planning to fix some stuff in it. Yeah, it sucks. Life goes on.

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